Emerging Technologies for Modern Websites | JLB Franklin TN
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3 Emerging Technologies for Modern Websites

Modern Websites

A good website is worth the effort. A poorly designed website or one that is difficult to use will drive away potential customers. The risk of losing customers is high because so many internet users shop from a mobile device or tablet and often from directly in store aisles. The following three emerging trends for modern websites help site owners create an environment that enhances user experience and funnel visitors to targeted goals. Let’s explore website design Nashville can use.
1. Full-Screen Navigation — Full-screen navigation refers to menus and once the visitor presses the link or button, the menu opens in a subscreen, so that it can be read in large-format. According to the Pew Research Center [1], 64 percent of U.S. adults own a smartphone and 63 percent of those people have internet access via their smartphone or device. The benefits:

  • Makes reading menus and filling them out easier for web visitors, especially for mobile visitors.
  • Improves the usability of a site which is a cornerstone for improved user experience.
  • Offers a subtle push to actually fill out forms rather than to navigate away from the site. Easy tasks make happy site visitors.

Upgrading a website to include full-screen navigation helps visitors find their way around the site, interact more easily with site features, and allows websites to collect better data through easy to read and populate forms.
2. Advanced Security  — Cyber crime is a fact and online shoppers know it. Headlines scream out the names and personal data of people like Mark Zuckerberg. It is enough to make people question the safety of visiting sites online. Advanced security tools and features are ways to help reassure online visitors and shoppers that visiting and buying from your site is safe. Advanced security as part of site design is a must. Here are a few of its benefits:

  • Encourage online shopping by reassuring site visitors that they are in a safe environment
  • Encourage site visitation from SERP results when online searchers can see the safety measures. Consider the move from HTTP to HTTPS as motivation.
  • Reduced downtimes that result from cyber attacks, ransomware, and virus.

Cyber attacks are not always about stealing user data. Sometimes they are designed to make shopping at your site unreliable. The range of what cyber-crime is expands as technology improves. The way to combat cyber-crime is to continually upgrade site security.
3. Bots that improve the user experience — Bots are software that helps to automate tasks quickly and for the modern website, well-designed bots are key. There is a range of tasks that bots can do that help increase user experience on websites. Many help with form propagation, some answer questions users might have, and others might activate and assist when specific words are used. The possibilities are almost endless.
These three tools help website developers create website design Nashville site owners can use. They move sites from outdated to cutting edge. As the internet becomes more competitive it is important that websites continually evolve to address user needs and especially user fears. Is your website holding your online business back?

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