Five Ways Webpages Let You Down | JLB Franklin Tennessee
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5 Ways Your Webpage Let's You Down

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Websites are an integral part of digital marketing in Nashville, Franklin and surrounding areas. As such an important tool for local businesses, it is critical that people understand the challenges that websites face, and how they can let you down. Here are five key areas where websites fail to perform.


Not Mobile Compatible

    — more than 50 percent of search traffic is performed on mobile devices. Sites that are not mobile compatible drive away half of all internet users.

Widgets that Are Out of Date

    — Widgets such as those that show current news or events about a business or site need to be updated. It is not uncommon to find websites that have widgets that are headlining old blog posts, ancient social media posts and that are burying new material under a pile of old news.

Incomplete Pages

    — Incomplete pages are bad news. Nobody wants to click on a link only to be met with an “In Progress” message. It gets even worse when that incomplete page never seems to become valid. Not only can these types of errors frustrate users, they can cause bots to push down the page’s ranking. Add into this mix the power of local search and digital marketing in Nashvile, Franklin and surrounding areas and your site could be driving potential customers right to your competition.

Broken Links

    — Links are already considered risky so broken links cause concern. In addition, people click on links for a variety of reasons, such as to fill out a form, or to find more information. If that link is a for a product, then consider a broken link a missed sale. If that broken link leads to more information, then it is causing the visitor to leave your site to find that information elsewhere. Broken links are like locked doors. People cannot access your store if the door is locked.

Too Cluttered

    – Cluttered sites are confusing and difficult to use. In that same category are sites that are hard to navigate. A mobile user decides to stay on a site or to leave in as little as three seconds. People who search online want instant information. Even desktop users do not utilize cluttered sites. In fact, “userability” is one of the criteria that Google uses in ranking sites. Sites that are cluttered or that are hard to use are often penalized.

These five points may seem like small topics, but they can have very negative results. The solution to fixing these sites is to start with a site review by one of the JLB professionals. From there issues that are specific to your site can be addressed and a strategy to upgrade or repair your site is formed. This information helps your site to improve its performance, helps your marketing go farther, and can even help your business gain market share.

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