Does Live Chat Help Your Website Convert?

JLB is a web designer Tennessee business rely on to create beautiful, business class websites that match marketing and sales strategies. In this blog, we discuss whether or not your site should have a live chat feature. We cover two issues that companies that sell face when it comes to online shoppers. Specifically, we discuss how live chat can help boost sales when your visitors face these two issues:
- Buyer anxiety
- Buyer trust
Along the way, we are here to answer your questions as they related to your business model and to your marketing and selling strategies. Reach out to use with questions as we have answers.
Buyer Anxiety
People shop for a variety of reasons and a segment of online shoppers are concerned about finding the right product, finding a good price, and buying from companies that match their social, environmental, and political views. The result of shopping for these people is buyer anxiety.
Some of those issues are alleviated by brand awareness and content on your website. Some of those issues are never solved and the buyer moves on to a site that helps answer their questions or uses a win-win selling strategy. The question for you is can live chat help your company better approach those buyers who face anxiety when shopping for a product that has many compliments?
Absolutely. What live chat does is it allows you the seller to directly answer questions that a potential buyer might have, thereby reducing their anxiety over the purchase. Does live chat sell 100 percent of the time? No, and it shouldn’t. The approach to using live chat on your website is not specifically to sell, but to prime the visitor to buy. You gain an opportunity to use live chat to use selling strategies such as win-win selling. If you need a tool that helps to reduce buyer bounce then live chat can help. It is a powerful feature that is easy to use and it works well to help businesses address buyer anxiety.
Buyer Trust
Buyer trust is a powerful tool that helps make the selling process easier. When a customer is faced with many similar products from many companies, they tend to buy from the company that they trust the most. There are other factors that go into building buyer trust such as a buying history from a company, buyer experience, customer service, product quality, and customer satisfaction.
When your company encounters a new visitor and potential shopper, you can use live chat to build buyer trust. Live chat allows you to answer questions, discuss warranties, and address concerns that the shopper might have with the product. The goal is not specifically to sell but to improve the relationship that exists between your company and shoppers.
Will live chat help your company sell more products? In most cases, yes. To learn more about the benefits of working with a quality web designer Tennessee businesses can trust, visit us online or call us directly: Phone (615) 794-2123.

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