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Artificial Intelligence in Website Design

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the next frontier of technology. A wide variety of industries are racing to become the first in their field to successfully integrate AI into the functionality of their machines. Driverless cars are currently the most high-profile example of companies attempting to push society into a future that was previously only thought possible in movies.
But not every iteration of AI is going to be as blatant and far-reaching as sitting in the back of your own car while it drives itself. It could be something as innocuous as the automated messaging system when you call a helpline successfully directing your call to the correct department. Or it could be your company’s website streamlining the experience of your visitors.

Chatbot to improve website design and digital marketing

4 reasons why AI improves website design:

  1. Chatbots
  2. Product Recommendations
  3. Voice and Visual Search
  4. Ecommerce Analysis


1. Chatbots

This is perhaps the most well-known integration of artificial intelligence into website design. These little helpers often appear as animations or bubbles in the corner of a website where the visitor is invited to type a question and receive an answer.
They make it much easier for visitors to find quick answers to their questions without the necessity of a paid employee on the other end of the conversation. Website visitors are able to immediately receive their answers at any time of day.
Chatbots not only save money for the business, but they also provide a better experience for the visitor. An inability to find what they are looking for will send a visitor elsewhere. Chatbots provide an unobtrusive way to get the information they need quickly and easily.
These can be developed specifically for your website by a web developer. Not only are these chatbots able to be programmed with your business’ information, but they can also actively learn. There are also pre-programmed chatbots that can be added to most platforms.

2. Product Recommendations

Ecommerce websites can greatly benefit from the incorporation of AI that recommends products similar to what is already in the customer’s cart, or purchases they have made in the past. This allows the website to essentially pitch items that would complement their previous purchases. It also serves the customer to offer similar items that they might enjoy.
This is very advantageous to a customer looking to purchase something directly related to personal taste like music, movies, or books. These customers are often on the lookout for the next item to purchase, and recommendations make it very easy for them to learn about something they might otherwise not have found.
The ability to suggest possible purchases to your customers is a great opportunity to both upsell and increase your revenue per transaction, but also to help your customers find items they will genuinely enjoy.

Artificial Intelligence in Website Design_website design_JLB_nashville

3. Voice and Visual Search

Voice search is quickly changing the way websites are designed, written, and laid out. Digital assistants are becoming increasingly popular. They’ve changed the way people are performing their searches. This is causing us to rethink our views on general searches as well as visitor interactions on our websites.
Natural language processing refers to the mechanisms that are used to navigate the interactions between humans and machines. These processes have seen some great advancements over the last few years to become incredibly useful. They improve the customer’s experience by, again, making it much easier to find the information they’re looking for.
AI is also able to categorize images for searching on your website to provide an intuitive system for visitors to find information and products. These search functions can be a valuable addition to the navigation choices of your website. People want to find what they want quickly, and these extra functions give your website all of the available tools to help them.

4. Ecommerce Analysis

Data is essential to making smart choices for an eCommerce website. AI affords a variety of ways in which you can learn not only about how your customers behave, but how you can improve your interactions with them. Where they go on your website, what they do while they’re there, and much more can be tracked and analyzed by artificial intelligence. Incorporating these insights will help you create a more effective website design.
The compiled data can also help you better understand your customers. This information can be used to create more accurate buyer personas, which help you market your services more directly to your audience. These insights can even be used by your sales team to be more effective in who they target and how they approach these possible sales.
There are even tools that can analyze the conversations you have directly with your customers. This provides insight into ways you can improve these communications.

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