Five Ways Mobile is Impacting Social Media Marketing

Let’s face it: Smartphones are everywhere. Social media marketing has come a long way, but it’s practically synonymous with mobile marketing. Whether it’s a Windows Phone, iPhone or Android, consumers are accessing Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter and Instagram with the tap of a finger. Understandably, mobile-only social media users are shifting the way companies approach social media, itself.
If you want to understand social media marketing’s modern architecture, you’ll need to understand why social media, itself, is impacted by the smartphone’s instant access. As your go-to web design company in Tennessee, we feel it’s important to understand 2016’s status quo between your I-gadget and Facebook. Check out the five biggest social media changes prompted by the smartphone’s constant growth.
Change One: Mobile is a Preferred Social Media Platform
Mobile devices, finally, have broken ahead of desktop computers. In fact, a majority of network users were “device-only” users beginning in 2014. Because of this, digital marketing agencies have reworked their policies, approaches, platforms and access points to real-time alerts, instant-access options, compelling bios and big landing pages. Information-heavy layouts, for this reason, are an absolute must-have for digital marketers.
Change Two: Niche Mobile Apps are Taking Over
In the past, static landing pages successfully navigated social media users. In 2016, however, niche iPhone and Android apps are replacing this approach. If you’re a digital marketer, your social-media-connected mobile app can shorten the consumer’s path-to-purchase via social media. A lot of these innovative apps are promoted on social media, too, giving Facebook and Twitter a leg up in the marketing world.
Change Three: Social Ecommerce is Here
We’re not talking about Facebook links. We’re talking about real-time buying options and digital wallets via social media platforms. Pinterest’s Buyable Pins program, Facebook Messenger and other real-time communication platforms are quickly becoming digital checkout lanes, and buyers are actually turning to social media to complete purchases! Act quickly, because more than a few powerhouse brands are taking advantage of the social-media-first buying plan. Don’t ignore your main selling stage, but certainlydon’t pass up the option to sell goods and services directly via social media.
Change Four: News is Being Consumed via Mobile Social Media
Did you know 63 percent of Twitter and Facebook users rely on social media as a primary news source? Smartphones have turned social media into today’s newspapers, and they’re reworking the way device holder’s collect, absorb and retain information. For B2B marketers, this means consumers are willing to turn to social media, on their mobile devices, to engage industry-related news. Do with this information what you will.
Change Five: Interactive Advertisements are Getting Big
Finally, interactive advertisements are booming due to social media’s access on the smartphone. Touch-to-display, swipe-to-see and even shake-to-view advertisements are hitting social media platforms hard—and it’s all because of mobile marketing.
If you want to stay ahead, you need to stay informed. Don’t let mobile get the best of you. Instead, stay ahead of the curve by keeping an informed opinion about mobile and social media marketing alike. You won’t regret it.

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