5 Basic Logo Types and When to Use Them

Do you have a million great ideas running through your head each day but can’t seem to find a good place to start when it comes to logo design? The best place to start when designing a logo that stands out for all the right reasons is to decide what style you want it to be. Logos are generally divided into 5 basic categories: wordmarks, lettermarks, brandmarks, combination marks and emblems. Each of these logo types are great for certain things, so when you know what you want to say with your logo the picking is easy.
5 Basic Logo Types and When You Should Use Them
1. Wordmark
Also known as a logotype, wordmarks are often seen as the simplest type of logo. Because they highlight the company name alone, wordmarks are direct, to the point and uncluttered. Famous examples of companies who use wordmarks include Coca-Cola, Disney, Mobil, Sony Visa and more. The simplicity of a wordmark conveys confidence, stability and ambition. They can be great for established companies as well as start-ups.
2. Lettermark
Once the name of a company or brand has become well-known, a company will often switch from a wordmark to a lettermark logo. Also known as a monogram logo, companies like Cable News Network (CNN), Home Box Office (HBO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) all use this simple and effective logo option. Great for established companies, lettermarks are also useful for companies with hard to pronounce names.
3. Brandmark
While wordmarks and lettermarks are distinctive visually, if you are interested in making your company instantly recognizable brandmarks are another great logo choice. Also referred to as a pictorial mark, this logo features an image or icon with no lettering at all and stands as the visual representation of a brand or company. Famous examples include the Nike “Swoosh”, Apple silhouette, Target bullseye and the Red Cross symbol. Brandmarks are great for social media, web and print advertisements.
4. Combination Mark
Just like the name suggests, combination marks use both wordmarks and symbols to create a memorable logo. Also called iconic logotypes, combination marks help companies to convey a visual idea or value, while still making it clear what your company is called. Famous combination marks include the Adidas logo, McDonald’s, Walmart and Microsoft.
5. Emblem
Similar to a combination mark, emblems also use texts and symbols to represent a company or brand. However, with emblems, the text appears inside of the symbols itself to create a special design. Emblems are less flexible than combination marks but are still very effective for a wide range of companies including Starbucks, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, UPS, the NFL and more.
Make Your Mark with the Right Logo
When it comes down to it, choosing the right logo is all about deciding what it is that your company really wants to say. Interested in making sure your logo stands out for the right reasons online and on social media? Visit our web designer team in Franklin, TN online today at JLB Works for more information on our web design and development services.

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