Those of us who use Photoshop on a daily basis (literally) know how frustrating using the guide system can be. Guides are used to mark certain dimensions and points of alignment within a photoshop file. I use guides for web design to mark where a content area begins and ends and to align elements in a design. The issue with guides is that they don’t sit exactly where they should. If I place a guide at 250 pixels (using the ruler), it actually looks like I’ve placed it a pixel or two to the left of the 250 pixel mark. What’s the point of using guides if they can’t accurately depict where you’ve placed them!
And through the friscalating dusk light comes Cameron McEfee. Cameron was also annoyed with the guide system in Photoshop, but he decided to do something about it and built GuideGuide. GuideGuide is a Photoshop extension that makes it easy to add “pixel accurate columns, rows, midpoints, and baselines” with just a few clicks of the mouse. I’m been using GuideGuide to design all morning and it’s placed guides right on the money. It’s so nice to not have to guess anymore!
Here’s the Smashing Magazine article that pointed me to it.
Thanks, Cameron and Smashing Magazine!

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