AI Overviews: What You Need to Know For SEO
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AI Overviews: What You Need to Know About Google’s New Search Feature (A Guide for Local Businesses)

AI Overviews - Nashville Google Search Feature

On Tuesday, May 14th, Google announced a major update: AI-Generated Overviews, formerly known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), are officially rolling out to US Search results. For those unfamiliar with it, SGE is an advanced AI feature that analyzes information from multiple sources and provides users with concise, informative summaries directly on the search results page.

Powered by a new, customized version of their Gemini language model, this innovation allows users to receive comprehensive answers without having to navigate through numerous links.

Google has begun integrating this powerful AI system directly into the search results pages. Here’s everything you need to know about Generative AI, and what this means for your local business. 

What are AI-Powered Overviews?

Today, AI-Generated Overviews take search results to a whole new level. Instead of presenting a list of links in response to a search query, AI-Powered Overviews will consolidate information from multiple credible sources to generate a concise, informative summary directly on the search results page. This means users can quickly get a comprehensive answer to their question with no need to click through and read multiple websites. This innovation not only saves time but also ensures that users receive accurate and relevant information at a glance, making search more efficient and user-friendly.

For example, if you search for “history of pecan pie,” you might receive an AI-Generated Overview that details the origins of pecan pie, its evolution over time, and variations found across different regions. And don’t worry–Google will cite their sources. 

AI Overview for Pecan Pies

Note: AI Overview highlights “Georgia Pecan Nursery,” an SEO client with JLB Works.

What Does This Mean for Local Businesses?

This shift towards AI-powered search has significant implications for local businesses. Early adoption and optimization for AI Overviews can give your business a competitive advantage in search rankings and visibility. 

Imagine searching for a specific service in your area, like “calcium score tests in Augusta, GA.” With AI Overviews, Google can analyze relevant data and provide a detailed response that includes not only basic information but potentially listings of nearby providers offering calcium score tests.

AI Overview Example - SGE

Note: AI Overview highlights “AU Health Imaging,” an SEO client with JLB Works.

This is a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to increase their visibility. By ensuring your website and Google Business Profile are fully optimized with accurate information, relevant services listed, and positive customer reviews, your business has a strong chance of appearing in these AI-Generated Overviews.

Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Still Important for Your Website?

While AI Overviews provide users with quick, summarized answers directly on the search results page, the underlying data that feeds these summaries still comes from well-optimized websites. This means that maintaining strong SEO practices is essential for ensuring that your content is among the sources AI pulls from. High-quality, relevant content, proper use of keywords, and a well-structured website continue to play a pivotal role in visibility and ranking. In fact, with AI Overviews emphasizing accurate and concise information, businesses need to be even more diligent in their SEO efforts to ensure they remain competitive and visible in this new search landscape.

How to Optimize for AI-Overviews

The core principle of SEO – Search Engine Optimization –  remains the same: high-quality, informative content is king. Here’s how to optimize for the age of AI search:

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile. This is your digital storefront, so ensure all your information is accurate and up-to-date. Regularly update your Google Business Profile with accurate information, photos, posts, and respond to reviews to enhance your local search presence.
  • Ensure Accurate Business Listings. Keep your business information up-to-date on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and other directories.
  • Optimize your website content with AI optimized keywords. Make sure your website content is relevant to your local services and includes keywords potential customers might use when searching.
  • Focus on E-E-A-T. Ensure your website’s content follows the E-E-A-T model, Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. High-quality credible content ranks better in search results.
  • Gather positive customer reviews. Encourage customers to leave positive reviews. Reviews are a major factor in search ranking and can significantly influence user decisions.

Hire a Nashville Digital Marketing Agency

Navigating your online presence for the age of AI search can be complex. By partnering with a digital marketing agency, you can leverage their knowledge and resources to stay competitive and visible in an AI-driven search driven landscape.

Our digital marketing agency specializes in helping local businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving search landscape. We can help you create a comprehensive SEO strategy that aligns with the latest AI trends, optimize your Google Business Profile for maximum impact, and ensure your local business is well-positioned to benefit from AI-Generated Overviews. 

Let JLB Works do the work, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business! Get a quote today. 


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