How a Website Design Company Can Reintroduce Your Business

Reintroducing Your Business via Digital Marketing
The landscape of many industries changes over time. Tastes evolve. New trends emerge. And companies that don’t keep up with these changes are eventually left behind.
The internet speeds these cycles along. People are no longer contained to their local community as far as options for many of their needed services. Exposure to this many options means people are able to be extremely choosy with their purchases.
So what do you do if you’ve been in business for an extended period of time? How can you continue to compete with the emerging competition?
Keeping up means you have to grow. And in order to do this, you might have to completely reintroduce your company. This doesn’t mean you have to change your entire business plan, but the customer-facing portrayals of your company might benefit from an update.
And there’s no aspect of your company that directly faces the customer as much as your website.
How can a website design company help reintroduce your business?
- Communicate Brand Identity
- Update Your Voice
- Draw in Visitors With an Inviting Homepage
- Optimize Fresh Content
- Coordinate With A Marketing Campaign
- Incorporate Inbound Marketing
- Unify and Launch All Social Media Outlets
1. Communicate Brand Identity
Your brand identity is not only how you understand yourself, but how your customers view your business. It includes everything from your goals and ideals, to the color scheme of your logo, to how you interact with your customers.
A completely redesigned website is your opportunity to update this brand identity and make sure your customers are able to fully understand it. A strong brand identity helps your customers connect with your goods, services, and business as a whole.
Visit JLB, a website design company in Franklin, TN today!
2. Update Your Voice
Think of the way radio announcers spoke in the 1950s. You can hear the difference between them and contemporary announcers in an instant. This is because the way we communicate is always changing. This is true in interpersonal communication, as well as business communications.
A website design company can help you craft a new voice through website copy, advertisements, and any other way you communicate with the general public. This makeover brings you into the contemporary discussions of your industry.
3. Draw in Visitors With an Inviting Homepage
Your homepage is the face of your website. This is what’s going to draw in a new visitor or convince someone to look elsewhere for someone to satisfy their needs. A website design company like JLB has the experience to know what’s going to work and what isn’t.
Every business is different, no matter how similar their services might be. This is where the brand identity comes back in. Communicate what sets you apart while making it clear you are a viable option for services to your visitors with a quality homepage.
4. Optimize Fresh Content
The content on your website does a lot more than simply communicate a message. While this message is very important, it’s only one aspect of quality website content. Every aspect of web design needs to work together to further the unifying ideas behind your company.
But aside from that, your content can also attract new visitors. Optimized content makes use of specifically-targeted keywords strategically used throughout your headers and body copy. A website design company will help you correctly arrange this content to attract the attention needed to reintroduce your business.
5. Coordinate With A Marketing Campaign
A great website will do a lot for your company. It can attract new leads and convince existing customers to continue working with you. However, a coordinated marketing campaign is needed in order to maximize the return on your new website.
JLB is more than a talented website design company — we have the knowledge and experience to help conduct an effective marketing campaign to drive even more traffic to your new website.
6. Incorporate Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a bit of a combination of website design and a marketing campaign. This refers to various efforts to create content that will bring your website to the top of related internet search results. It also helps position your business as an authority in your industry by providing expert information to your visitors before they even become customers.
A website design company will need to build this capability into your website. And once you have a news or blog section (for example), you can use it to directly address your customers. What better way to reintroduce yourself than to start a direct conversation with your visitors?
7. Unify and Launch All Social Media Outlets
Your social media efforts should be done in conjunction with your marketing campaigns. And one of the main goals of engaging in social media is to drive traffic back to your website.
However, your social media presence needs to be consistent across the various platforms, including your website. A reintroduction can only work if it’s consistent. Your website can act as the guiding light and your social media platforms can follow the path.
Are you ready to revitalize and reintroduce your business to new and old customers alike?
Contact JLB today!

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