Coming in for a "landing…"
When clients hire us to optimize their websites, we always start with research and evaluation. One of the very first things we do is look at their site as a whole — how many pages are there, what is the content, and, of course, what is the site’s purpose. From there, we start to dig into the metrics behind the site – how many visitors does the site receive, where are they coming from, how long are they staying, and what pages are the most popular.
We also take a hard look at the website’s engineering, paying particular attention to the code behind each page, as well as how the text within each page is “marked up.” Along the way, we ask our clients for keywords that matter to them, words for which they want their site to be found, when someone is using Google, Yahoo!, or Bing. And we try to match those keywords to the stats we’re seeing and the content on each site page.
It’s a complicated process because we have to keep our eyes on the big picture, while really drilling down into the details.
As we dig in, we often identify the need for key Landing Pages to be created. A well-renown Internet marketing blog, Hubspot, identifies a Landing Page as “the single most important part of your online marketing efforts … without a good landing page, all of the time and effort you spent driving traffic to your website will be wasted since your site isn’t driving leads.”
Landing Pages give us the options to create special drop zones for content, prepared just for visitors looking for certain keywords or topics related to your business. For example, we can create a special page for visitors who might link to your site from Facebook. We can create a unique page for visitors who might click on your ad in Google AdWords. We can even create “regionalized” pages for folks who are “Google-ing” your services with respect to specific cities/states.
Of course, Landing Pages aren’t the complete answer, but they are a great weapon in our SEO arsenal to utilize, when applicable. Want to know a little more? Click here…

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