6 Key Elements of Viral Digital Marketing

Having a piece of your web marketing content go viral is kind of like winning a lottery jackpot. A perfectly executed YouTube video tweeted out at just the right time can result in a cascade of retweets that raise your business profile exponentially. When your site and landing pages have the high-quality web design Nashville expects, it’s a win-win.
It’s hard to know just when or how you’ll strike Internet gold, but when you do, it can result in publicity for your company on a truly grand scale. While it’s hard to quantify the “X” factor that goes into viral digital marketing, there are some elements that are common to the most successful content. Whether you’re creating blog posts, articles, videos or social media postings, consider the following important factors when creating your digital marketing pieces:
1. Have Intimate Knowledge of Your Audience
Who is your target audience? Educate yourself about their tastes, concerns, interests and preferences as you design your content. Creating content with your main recipients in mind will increase the odds of them loving it while also speaking to their wants and needs – and ultimately netting you more sales.
2. Humor
People love to laugh, and a piece of humorous web content has a much higher chance of being shared than something that’s dry and no-frills. Clever, smart and witty almost always works. Just be sure not to cross the line of trying too hard or being in poor taste.
3. Simplicity
The most viral content also tends to be concise and to the point. Remember that people have short attention spans, and you’re competing with a sea of content, videos and social media posts out there. Don’t get too wordy with your written content, and be sure you edit your videos in a way that eliminates excess and keeps their attention.
4. Aim For the Heart
Another effective approach is one that evokes a strong emotion. The emotion may be joy, excitement, sentimentality, patriotism, nostalgia or compassion. It might even be a negative feeling such as anger or disgust – just so long as it puts your company, brand, product or message in your desired light and motivates the viewer to take positive action.
5. Tell a Story
Personalizing your content through storytelling is another effective way to help it go viral and make a lasting impact. While key facts and information are important, showing the human side of your business can help you to engage with viewers more deeply. Consider doing customer success stories and cases studies as well as behind-the-scenes reports on your employees.
6. Inspire
People are always looking for more inspiration in their lives, and if you can provide it through your marketing content, you just might have a viral post on your hands. Dovetail your marketing with current trends or events for an even more timely impact.
Going viral is one of the quickest and most cost effective ways to garner positive publicity for your business. Use these tips when deciding on content and presentation, and count on us for web design Nashville residents and people everywhere respond to.

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