Why copy still matters
There’s no question we’ve become a visual society. Step out your front door, and you’re bombarded with images just about everywhere you turn. Street signs. Billboards. Store windows. Bumper stickers. Symbols. Posters.
And then there’s the TV. Your desktop, laptop, iPad, and yes… your phone. The imagery is inescapable.
But you know what else is still there? Albeit in the background… the words. The name of that company. The clever slogan. The two sentences that so perfectly complemented that photo, they got you thinking.
Words still matters. Copy. Still. Matters.
It matters even more to the Web than ever before. The search engine spiders are smarter than they ever have been, but they still depend on the most simplistic of devices — text. As copywriters or “SEO’s” (search engine optimizers), professionals in my industry know that the words on a web page, the links on a web page, the words linked on a web page, and the way those words are “marked up” can make a major difference in whether or not a website is indexed properly and subsequently, found by someone performing a normal keyword search.
This is why copy still matters. This is why it’s important, when you’re developing your brand (and carrying that all the way through to your web pages and your online marketing efforts) you need to think about both what you say and how you present it. And how the search engines receive that all-important text can determine where you rank in the searches (SERPs).
You don’t have to be an English major to appreciate that.
p.s. For more “food for thought” on why copy still matters, check out this article from Copyblogger.

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