Producing graduates from diverse backgrounds with the integrity and intellect required for substantive contributions to society, Historic Black College, Fisk University needed to create a website that was cohesive, informative and easy to use. With an emphasis on the discovery and advancement of knowledge through research in the natural and social sciences, business and the humanities — Fisk University partnered with JLB to create custom branded colors, logos and a mobile friendly website.
As Fisk University offers more than 20+ undergraduate and graduate programs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Clinical Psychology with a bridge Masters to Ph.D. programs through a partnership with Vanderbilt University — their partnership with JLB had a lot of ground to cover. In order to incorporate all programs, extracurriculars and all, JLB worked to create a custom branded color palette for Fisk as well as varied collegiate and athletic logos. Not only did this create a cohesive, well-branded appearance for Fisk, but JLB was able to incorporate this updated look into the University’s custom website.
Custom Bulldog Logo
Custom Navigation
Custom Bulldog Lettering
Rebranded Liberal Arts Status
Custom Home Page
Graphic Design
Web Support & Security
Responsive Web Design
Mobile Accessibility
Social Media Live Feed Integration
3 Separate Login Portals
With a need to service students, parents and faculty alike, JLB needed to create a reliable, mobile responsive website that worked for the variety of Fisk University website users. In order to display relevant content in a streamlined experience for all users, JLB designed three separate login portals for students, faculty and parents of Fisk University. With these three custom portals, all Fisk website users would be able to experience the University’s international reputation for academic excellence all online.
Website design services & digital marketing tailored for user experience and
attracting the right traffic for you with support-that-matters!